Four-channel model: An assessment of charge transfer via the backbone in B-DNA [0.03%] 四通道模型:评估B- DNA中通过主链的电荷转移
Athanasios Kordas,Andreas Morphis,Constantinos Simserides Athanasios Kordas
We model charge transfer in B-DNA, the most common form of deoxyribonucleic acid, with the aim of assessing the role of the backbone. We achieve this by employing a four-channel tight binding model, where B-DNA is analyzed at the base and b...
Comparing temporal and aggregated network descriptions of fluid transport in the Mediterranean Sea [0.03%] 地中海海域流动传输的时序网络与聚合网络描述比较
Kishor Acharya,Javier Aguilar,Lorenzo Dall&#x;Amico et al. Kishor Acharya et al.
Ocean currents exhibit strong time dependence at all scales that influences physical and biochemical dynamics. Network approaches to fluid transport permit to address explicitly how connectivity across the seascape is affected by the spatio...
Abby L Bull,Molly Mosher,Paula Rodriguez et al. Abby L Bull et al.
In natural environments, cells move in the presence of multiple physical and chemical guidance cues. Using a model system for such guided cell migration, Dictyostelium discoideum (Dicty), we investigate how chemical and physical signals com...
Comparison of the clock, stochastic cutoff, and Tomita Monte Carlo methods in simulating the dipolar triangular lattice at criticality [0.03%] 时钟、随机截止和汤马提蒙特卡罗方法在临界点模拟二面角三角晶格的比较研究
S Ismailzadeh,M D Niry S Ismailzadeh
Magnetic nanostructures find application in diverse technological domains, and their behavior is significantly influenced by long-range dipolar interactions. However, simulating these systems using the traditional Metropolis Monte Carlo met...
C Cohen,F X Gauci,X Noblin et al. C Cohen et al.
Phytophthora species are plant pathogens that cause considerable damage to agrosystems and ecosystems, and have a major impact on the economy. Infection occurs when their biflagellate zoospores move and reach a root on which they aggregate....
Kento Iida,Takuma Akimoto,Andreas Dechant Kento Iida
Giant diffusion, where the diffusion coefficient of a Brownian particle in a periodic potential with an external force is significantly enhanced by the external force, is a nontrivial nonequilibrium phenomenon. We propose a simple stochasti...
Ryosuke Nishide,Shuji Ishihara Ryosuke Nishide
Pattern dynamics on curved surfaces are ubiquitous. Although the effect of surface topography on pattern dynamics has gained much interest, there is a limited understanding of the roles of surface geometry and topology in pattern dynamics. ...
Attosecond gamma-ray flashes and electron-positron pairs in dyadic laser interaction with microwire [0.03%] 双层激光与微导线相互作用中的阿托秒伽马射线电闪和电子-正子对
P Hadjisolomou,T M Jeong,P Valenta et al. P Hadjisolomou et al.
The interaction of an ultra-intense laser with matter is an efficient source of high-energy particles, with efforts directed toward narrowing the divergence and simultaneously increasing the brightness. In this paper we report on emission o...
Probing the mesoscopics of competing interactions with the thermodynamic curvature: The case of a two-parameter axial next-nearest-neighbor Ising chain [0.03%] 用热力学曲率探测竞争相互作用的介观性:两个参数轴向次近邻伊辛链的情况
Soumen Khatua,Anurag Sahay Soumen Khatua
This Letter examines the full scope of long-standing conjectures identifying the invariant thermodynamic curvature R as the correlation volume ξ^{d} and also as a measure of underlying statistical interactions. To this end, we set up a two...
Coevolutionary game dynamics with localized environmental resource feedback [0.03%] 具有局部环境资源反馈的共同进化游戏动态研究
Yi-Duo Chen,Jian-Yue Guan,Zhi-Xi Wu Yi-Duo Chen
Dynamic environments shape diverse dynamics in evolutionary game systems. We introduce spatial heterogeneity of resources into the prisoner's dilemma game model to explore coevolutionary game dynamics with environmental feedback. The availa...