Neonatal sevoflurane exposures inhibits DHHC5-mediated palmitoylation of TfR1 in oligodendrocytes, leading to hypomyelination and neurological impairments [0.03%]
Huiqing Liu,Binxiao Su,Zhihao Zhang et al.
Huiqing Liu et al.
Introduction: Neonatal anesthesia-related neurological impairments are of significant concern, closely linked to oligodendrocyte dysfunction. However, there is a notable temporal discrepancy between the sustained developm...
Lactation duration and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in parous women: A perspective on socioeconomic status disparity [0.03%]
Qian Yi,Weidi Sun,Leying Hou et al.
Qian Yi et al.
Background & aims: Whether and how socioeconomic status (SES) influences the associations between type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and lactation remains unknown. We aimed to evaluate the associations between lactation dura...
Wenlong Jia,Gaocheng Wang,Sheng Sun et al.
Wenlong Jia et al.
Background: Proliferation-associated protein 2G4 (PA2G4), also known as ErbB3-binding protein 1 (EBP1), is an evolutionarily conserved, ubiquitously expressed, multifunctional factor in health and disease. In recent decad...
LncRNA CRCMSL interferes in phospholipid unsaturation to suppress colorectal cancer progression via reducing membrane fluidity [0.03%]
Muhong Jiang,Lijun Xu,Wandie Lin et al.
Muhong Jiang et al.
Introduction: Reprogrammed metabolism is an important basis of colorectal cancer (CRC) progression; however, its mechanisms remain unclear. This study illustrated a novel mechanism for long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) CRCMSL i...
A functional cascading of lignin modification via repression of caffeic acid O-methyltransferase for bioproduction and anti-oxidation in rice [0.03%]
Hua Yu,Guifen Zhang,Jingyuan Liu et al.
Hua Yu et al.
Introduction: Crop straws provide substantial biomass resources that are transformable for sustainable biofuels and valuable bioproducts. However, the natural lignocellulose recalcitrance results in an expensive biomass p...
A novel navigation assistant method for substation inspection robot based on multisensory information fusion [0.03%]
Qiang Yang,Jingze Dong,Minyao Tan et al.
Qiang Yang et al.
Introduction: Due to the complex environment of the substation, the inspection work of the substation becomes time-consuming and laborious. As a result, the substation inspection robot has gradually become a hot research ...
Pradeep Ruperao,Parimalan Rangan,Trushar Shah et al.
Pradeep Ruperao et al.
Background: The development of pangenomes has revolutionized genomic studies by capturing the complete genetic diversity within a species. Pangenome assembly integrates data from multiple individuals to construct a compre...
Inhibitor treatment and subcellular localization analysis reveal the contribution of a cytosolic terpene synthase to the substantial release of anti-insect monoterpenes by Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski [0.03%]
Miao Wang,Yongxia Jia,Guotai Jian et al.
Miao Wang et al.
Introduction: Bird strikes are one of the greatest threats to aviation safety in the worldwide. Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski has anti-insect effects that may indirectly decrease bird populations, thereby reducing b...
Period3 modulates the NAD+-SIRT3 axis to alleviate depression-like behaviour by enhancing NAMPT activity in mice [0.03%]
Xiaoxian Xie,Haoshen Xu,Ruonan Shu et al.
Xiaoxian Xie et al.
Introduction: PER3 deficiency is associated with depression-like behaviors, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Objectives: T...
Lactational high weight loss impairs follicular development by causing mitochondrial dysfunction of ovarian cells in sows and mitigated by butyrate supplement [0.03%]
Kexiong Liu,Luyao Zhang,Xiaoling Xu et al.
Kexiong Liu et al.
Introduction: In modern sows, lactational high weight loss (HWL), caused by the large litter size and inadequate feed intake, has a negative effect on follicular development after weaning, resulting in poor reproductive p...