Naghdi, M. Naghdi
Adamian, G. G.; Antonenko, N. V.; Zubov et al. Adamian et al.
Synthesis of new superheavy elements using the Dubna Gas-Filled Separator: The complex of technologies [0.03%]
Tsyganov, Yu. S. Tsyganov
Jets production in peripheral interactions of high energy leptons, quarks, photons, and gluons with the proton [0.03%]
Ahmadov, A. I.; Kuraev, E. A. Ahmadov
An analytic review of DSPIN-11 [0.03%]
A. V. Efremov,J. Soffer A. V. Efremov
M. Berwein,N. Brambilla,A. Vairo M. Berwein
Forward jet production & quantum corrections to the gluon Regge trajectory from Lipatov’s high energy effective action [0.03%]
G. Chachamis,M. Hentschinski,J. D. Madrigal Martínez… G. Chachamis
I. O. Cherednikov I. O. Cherednikov
U. D’Alesio,F. Murgia,C. Pisano U. D’Alesio
H. Dorn,H. Münkler,C. Spielvogel H. Dorn