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Kona : powder science and technology in Japan. 2020 Jan 10:37:224-232. doi: 10.14356/kona.2020011 Q32.62024

Synthesis of Precision Gold Nanoparticles Using Turkevich Method

利用Turkevich法制备精密金纳米粒子 翻译改进

Jiaqi Dong  1, Paul L Carpinone  1, Georgios Pyrgiotakis  2, Philip Demokritou  2, Brij M Moudgil  1

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  • 1 Center for Particulate and Surfactant Systems, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, USA.
  • 2 HSPH-NIEHS Nanosafety Center, School of Public Health, Harvard University, USA.
  • DOI: 10.14356/kona.2020011 PMID: 32153313

    摘要 翻译

    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) exhibit unique size-dependent physiochemical properties that make them attractive for a wide range of applications. However, the large-scale availability of precision AuNPs has been minimal. Not only must the required nanoparticles be of precise size and morphology, but they must also be of exceedingly narrow size distribution to yield accurate and reliable performance. The present study aims to synthesize precision AuNPs and to assess the advantages and limitations of the Turkevich method-one of the common chemical synthesis technique. Colloidal AuNPs from 15 nm to 50 nm in diameter were synthesized using the Turkevich method. The effect of the molar ratio of the reagent mixture (trisodium citrate to gold chloride), the scaled-up batch size, the initial gold chloride concentration, and the reaction temperature was studied. The morphology, optical property, surface chemistry, and chemical composition of AuNPs were thoroughly characterized. It was determined that the as-synthesized AuNPs between 15 nm and 30 nm exhibit well-defined size and shape, and narrow size distribution (PDI < 0.20). However, the AuNPs became more polydispersed and less spherical in shape as the particle size increased.

    Keywords: Turkevich Method; characterization; gold nanoparticles; nanomaterials; synthesis.

    Keywords:gold nanoparticles

    Copyright © Kona : powder science and technology in Japan. 中文内容为AI机器翻译,仅供参考!


    期刊名:Kona powder and particle journal





    文章目录 更多期刊信息

    Synthesis of Precision Gold Nanoparticles Using Turkevich Method