Juvenile Injuries and Deaths From Shootings by Police in the United States, 2015-2020 [0.03%] 2015至2020年美国警察射杀导致的未成年伤亡事件
Dylan B Jackson,Alexander Testa,Daniel C Semenza et al. Dylan B Jackson et al.
Purpose: The present study describes juveniles injured in fatal and nonfatal shootings by the police from 2015 to 2020, compares characteristics of juvenile victimizations to adult victimizations, and estimates the odds o...
Coping Strategies Among Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Cultural Exploration [0.03%] 新冠肺炎疫情期间青少年应对策略的跨文化探索
Kristin Mmari,Eric Mafuta,Chunyan Yu et al. Kristin Mmari et al.
Purpose: To identify the patterns of stressors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic among adolescents living in different cultural settings and to explore how adolescents cope with such stressors, particularly by type of...
Supporting Young Learners During Remote Education: How Context and Gender Shape Adolescent Experiences [0.03%] 疫情期间青少年学习体验的性别差异及其背景因素——基于对年轻英语学习者的调查研究
Kara Hunersen,Astha Ramaiya,Cristiane S Cabral et al. Kara Hunersen et al.
Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic prompted a global closing of schools that raised questions on the implications for students. This study examines the impact of remote education, and subsequent social isolation, on adolescen...
Experiences of Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents and Young Women During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Study Among Girls and Women in Kenya [0.03%] 新冠肺炎流行期间肯尼亚青少年和年轻孕妇及有孩妇女的经历:一项关于女孩和妇女的混合方法研究
Eva Muluve,Celia Karp,Daniel Osuka et al. Eva Muluve et al.
Purpose: This study examines the experiences of pregnant/parenting adolescents and young women during the first two years of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. ...
What Effect Did COVID-19 Have on Adolescent Food Insufficiency in Africa and Asia? Evidence From the Global Early Adolescent Study [0.03%] COVID-19对非洲和亚洲青少年食物不足的影响?来自全球青少年研究的证据
Chunyan Yu,Kara Hunersen,Kristin Mmari et al. Chunyan Yu et al.
Purpose: This paper aims to explore the effect of COVID-19 and the roles of COVID-19-induced economic and community factors on adolescent food insufficiency across five urban poor settings in Africa and Asia. ...
Understanding Trajectories of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Among Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From China and the Democratic Republic of the Congo [0.03%] 新冠肺炎疫情期间中国和刚果民主共和国青少年 generalized anxiety disorder 的发病轨迹:证据来自中国和刚果民主共和国
Mengmeng Li,Sam Beckwith,Shoshanna L Fine et al. Mengmeng Li et al.
Purpose: This study aims to assess anxiety trends over the COVID-19 pandemic and evaluate how pandemic-related adversities modify trajectories among underprivileged adolescents from two distinct settings. ...
Understanding Whether Economic Instability and Food Insecurity During COVID-19 Moderate the Change in Emotional Abuse and Emotional Neglect Over Time: A Longitudinal Pre- and During COVID-19 Analysis From China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, and Malawi [0.03%] 理解COVID-19期间的经济不稳定和食品不安全是否影响情感虐待和情感忽视的纵向变化:来自中国、刚果民主共和国、印度尼西亚和马拉维的大规模纵向研究(英文)
Astha Ramaiya,Mengmeng Li,Eva Muluve et al. Astha Ramaiya et al.
Purpose: This study explores whether economic instability or food insecurity moderates the changes in emotional abuse and neglect over time. Methods: ...
Leaving No One Behind: Ensuring Adolescents Are Central in Efforts to Address Global Shocks [0.03%] 不让任何一个人掉队:确保青少年是应对全球冲击努力的核心部分
Jaameeta Kurji,Luo Li,Peter Azzopardi Jaameeta Kurji
Psychosocial Interventions for Preventing Mental Health Conditions in Adolescents With Emotional Problems: A Meta-Analysis [0.03%] 针对情绪问题青少年心理健康状况的预防性心理社会干预效果的荟萃分析研究
Stefani Du Toit,Mark Tomlinson,Christina A Laurenzi et al. Stefani Du Toit et al.
Mental health conditions constitute a major burden of disease for adolescents globally and can lead to significant adverse consequences. This systematic review aimed to identify if psychosocial interventions are effective in preventing ment...
Guidance and Counseling Programs as a Response to Food Insecurity and Adolescent Suicide Risks: A Multisectoral Approach [0.03%] 针对食品不安全和青少年自杀风险的指导与辅导计划:多部门合作方法
Riza Amalia,Henny Indreswari,Rudi Haryadi Riza Amalia