How Places Shape Identity: The Origins of Distinctive LBQ Identities in Four Small U.S. Cities [0.03%]
Japonica Brown-Saracino Japonica Brown-Saracino
Tools from the study of neighborhood effects, place distinction, and regional identity are employed in an ethnography of four small cities with growing populations of lesbian, bisexual, and queer-identified (LBQ) women to explain why orient...
Stress and Hardship after Prison [0.03%]
Bruce Western,Anthony A Braga,Jaclyn Davis et al. Bruce Western et al.
The historic increase in U.S. incarceration rates made the transition from prison to community common for poor, prime-age men and women. Leaving prison presents the challenge of social integration--of connecting with family and finding hous...
Why Do Liberals Drink Lattes? [0.03%]
Daniel DellaPosta,Yongren Shi,Michael Macy Daniel DellaPosta
Popular accounts of "lifestyle politics" and "culture wars" suggest that political and ideological divisions extend also to leisure activities, consumption, aesthetic taste, and personal morality. Drawing on a total of 22,572 pairwise corre...
Do Reputation Systems Undermine Trust? Divergent Effects of Enforcement Type on Generalized Trust and Trustworthiness [0.03%]
Ko Kuwabara Ko Kuwabara
Research shows that enforcing cooperation using contracts or tangible sanctions can backfire, undermining people's intrinsic motivation to cooperate: when the enforcement is removed, people are less trusting or trustworthy than when there i...
Lauren A Rivera Lauren A Rivera
This article presents hiring as an emotional process rooted in interpersonal evaluation. Drawing from Randall Collins's theory of interaction ritual, the author offers a qualitative case study of elite professional service firms to unpack h...
Damon Centola Damon Centola
Recent research on social contagion has demonstrated significant effects of network topology on the dynamics of diffusion. However, network topologies are not given a priori. Rather, they are patterns of relations that emerge from individua...
When Do Fathers Care? Mothers' Economic Contribution and Fathers' Involvement in Child Care [0.03%] 当父亲关心的时候?母亲的经济贡献与父亲对育儿的参与程度
Sara Raley,Suzanne M Bianchi,Wendy Wang Sara Raley
Previous literature suggests a tenuous link between fathers' care of children and maternal employment and earnings. This study shows that the link is stronger when measures of caregiving capture fathers' increased responsibility for childre...
Steven Hitlin,Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson Steven Hitlin
Empirical treatments of agency have not caught up with theoretical explication; empirical projects almost always focus on concurrent beliefs about one's ability to act successfully without sufficiently attending to temporality. The authors ...
Colter Mitchell,Jeanne Brooks-Gunn,Irwin Garfinkel et al. Colter Mitchell et al.
The association between family structure instability and children's life chances is well documented, with children reared in stable, two-parent families experiencing more favorable outcomes than children in other family arrangements. This s...
Mathijs de Vaan,David Stark,Balazs Vedres Mathijs de Vaan
This article examines the sociological factors that explain why some creative teams are able to produce game changers--cultural products that stand out as distinctive while also being critically recognized as outstanding. The authors build ...