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The Impact of Executive Functions and Musicality on Speech Auditory-Motor Synchronization in Adults Who Stutter [0.03%] 成人口吃的执行功能和音乐性对其言语听觉-运动同步的影响
Min Zhu,Fei Chen,Weiping Chen et al. Min Zhu et al.
The present study investigated speech auditory-motor synchronization in stuttering adults and the influential factors behind it as compared to individuals without stuttering....Moreover, the strength of speech auditory-motor synchronization in stutterers was significantly associated with their performance in tasks such as digit span and nonword repetition.
From Sound to Movement: Mapping the Neural Mechanisms of Auditory-Motor Entrainment and Synchronization [0.03%] 从声音到动作:听觉运动同步和顺应的神经机制图谱研究
Marija Pranjić,Thenille Braun Janzen,Nikolina Vukšić et al. Marija Pranjić et al.
There is converging evidence that auditory-motor synchronization engages bilateral cortical and subcortical networks, including the supplementary motor area, premotor cortex, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum.
Vani G Rajendran,Yehonadav Tsdaka,Tung Yee Keung et al. Vani G Rajendran et al.
Here, we reveal a clear capacity for predictive auditory-motor synchronization in rodent species using a modeling approach for the quantitative exploration of synchronization behaviors....The best models required predictive control of licking that could not be explained by reactive strategies, indicating that predictive auditory-motor synchronization may be more widely shared across mammalian species than previously appreciated.
Interlimb Coordination and Auditory-Motor Synchronization in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Examining Antiphase Knee Movements with Auditory Metronomes While Seated [0.03%] 发育性协调障碍儿童的下肢协调和听觉-运动同步:坐着时用听觉节拍器检查反相膝关节运动
Mieke Goetschalckx,Lousin Moumdjian,Eugene Rameckers et al. Mieke Goetschalckx et al.
This study aimed to compare interlimb coordination and auditory-motor synchronization between children with DCD and TDC during a seated antiphase coordination task of the lower limbs, which has minimal postural control requirements....Discrete metronomes enhanced interlimb coordination compared to the baseline silence condition (p = 0.0046); Conclusions: The study highlights an inferior interlimb coordination and auditory-motor synchronization in children with DCD compared to TDC.
Auditory-motor synchronization in developmental coordination disorder: Effects on interlimb coordination during walking and running [0.03%] 发育性协调障碍的感觉运动同步:对行走和跑步过程中双侧肢体协调的影响
Mieke Goetschalckx,Peter Feys,Eugene Rameckers et al. Mieke Goetschalckx et al.
This study investigated auditory-motor synchronization and interlimb coordination during walking and running in children with and without DCD. Twenty-one DCD and 23 TDC participants aged 8-12 years walked and ran to two different auditory metronomes (discrete and continuous).
Auditory-motor synchronization and perception suggest partially distinct time scales in speech and music [0.03%] 听觉运动同步和感知表明语音和音乐具有部分不同的时间尺度
Alice Vivien Barchet,Molly J Henry,Claire Pelofi et al. Alice Vivien Barchet et al.
Speech and music might involve specific cognitive rhythmic timing mechanisms related to differences in the dominant rhythmic structure. We investigate the influence of different motor effectors on rate-specific processing in both domains. A...
Replication of population-level differences in auditory-motor synchronization ability in a Norwegian-speaking population [0.03%] 听觉运动同步能力的群体差异在挪威语人群中的复制研究
Guro S Sjuls,Mila D Vulchanova,M Florencia Assaneo Guro S Sjuls
The Speech-to-Speech Synchronization test is a powerful tool in assessing individuals' auditory-motor synchronization ability, namely the ability to synchronize one's own utterances to the rhythm of an external speech signal.
Children with developmental coordination disorder display atypical interhemispheric connectivity during conscious and subconscious rhythmic auditory-motor synchronization [0.03%] 发育性协调障碍儿童在有意识和无意识的节奏听觉-运动同步活动中表现出半球间连接异常
Marija Pranjić,Jason Leung,Ka Lun Tam et al. Marija Pranjić et al.
Children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) display difficulties in perception-action coupling when engaging in tasks requiring predictive timing. We investigated the influence of awareness on auditory-motor adjustments to small...
Syllabic rhythm and prior linguistic knowledge interact with individual differences to modulate phonological statistical learning [0.03%]
Ireri Gómez Varela,Joan Orpella,David Poeppel et al. Ireri Gómez Varela et al.
In addition, we investigated how input rhythmicity interacts with two other factors previously shown to modulate learning: prior knowledge (syllable order plausibility with respect to participants' first language) and learners' speech auditory-motor synchronization ability....Interestingly, high auditory-motor synchronization ability increases statistical learning when the speech input is temporally more predictable but only when prior knowledge can also be used.
Amplitude envelope onset characteristics modulate phase locking for speech auditory-motor synchronization [0.03%]
Min Zhu,Fei Chen,Chenxin Shi et al. Min Zhu et al.
Results showed that syllable rise time affected the speech auditory-motor synchronization in a bifurcated fashion.
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