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A case of post-outbreak acute hepatitis A in a Japanese man who have sex with men infected with RIVM-HAV16-090 strain [0.03%] 一例日本男男性行为者感染RIVM-HAV16-090株爆发后急性甲型肝炎病例报告
Miho Kozuki,Satoshi Tanaka,Tatsuya Shirai et al. Miho Kozuki et al.
Aim: Hepatitis A outbreaks among men who have sex with men (MSM) are a growing global concern. We present a case report of acute hepatitis A in a Japanese MSM who acquired the infection after the conclusion of a recent he...
A Japanese man with community-onset carbapenem-resistant Stutzerimonas nitrititolerans bacteremia and a sacral pressure ulcer: a case report [0.03%] 一例社区获得性耐碳青霉烯不动杆菌氮杂菌血流感染合并骶骨压疮的日本患者:病例报告
Kohei Hasegawa,Kenya Murata,Yuki Suzuki et al. Kohei Hasegawa et al.
Background: Stutzerimonas is a recently proposed genus comprising strains formerly classified as Pseudomonas stutzeri. The genus includes at least 16 identified species. Stutzerimonas nitrititolerans, previously known as ...
Q23.42024 Case Reports BMC infectious diseases. 2025 Jan 6;25(1):32. DOI:10.1186/s12879-025-10440-5 2025
Mediastinal abscess and bacteremia due to Streptococcus dysgalactiae complicated by aorto-esophageal fistula leading to death with massive bleeding in a 70-year-old Japanese man with gastric cancer [0.03%] 一名70岁日本男性因胃癌并发消化道出血致死的牛乳房链球菌纵隔脓肿及菌血症合并主动脉食管瘘病例报告
Kazuya Oshima,Yoshiya Sugano,Akihito Yoshida et al. Kazuya Oshima et al.
Streptococcus dysgalactiae can lead to bacteremia in elderly individuals with underlying conditions, primarily from cellulitis. Although rare, mediastinal abscesses can develop from anatomical anomalies, post-thoracic surgery, esophageal ru...
Emerging Meningococcal B Meningitis in Japan: A Case Report of a 50-Year-Old Japanese Man with Diabetes [0.03%] 日本出现流行性脑膜炎球菌B型脑膜炎:一例糖尿病日本男性患者报告
Kazuhiro Ishikawa,Hideyuki Takahashi,Yukihiro Akeda et al. Kazuhiro Ishikawa et al.
BACKGROUND Meningococcal meningitis is rare in Japan; however, when outbreaks do occur, they predominantly involve domestically infected cases rather than those contracted overseas. CASE REPORT A Japanese man with diabetes in his 50s experi...
Q31.02024 Case Reports The American journal of case reports. 2024 Jul 16:25:e943973. DOI:10.12659/AJCR.943973 2024
Mayuna Kamiga,Shujiro Hayashi,Tetsuharu Ikegami et al. Mayuna Kamiga et al.
Seronegative HIV-1 infection in a Japanese man presenting with Pneumocystis pneumonia: Analysis of long-term antibody response and literature review [0.03%]
Nayuta Seto,Takahiko Fukuchi,Mamiyo Kawakami et al. Nayuta Seto et al.
Seronegative human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, where an HIV-specific antibody response is lacking even in chronic or late-stage HIV infections, is extremely rare. Here, we report the case of a 50-year-old Japanese man presenting...
A case of left leg necrotizing fasciitis caused by streptococcus pyogenes in a healthy Japanese man [0.03%] 一例健康日本男子感染溶血性链球菌导致的大腿坏死性筋膜炎病例报告
Miyu Takagi,Takaaki Kobayashi,Akina Fukushima et al. Miyu Takagi et al.
•We experienced a case of necrotizing fasciitis (NF) due to Group A streptococcus in a healthy Japanese man.•Cutaneous manifestations with NF can be initially minimal.•It is important to recognize that one of the characteristic symptoms ...
Primary syphilis presenting as a painful unilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy, without cutaneous manifestations, in a 71-year-old Japanese man: A case report [0.03%] 一名71岁日本男性患者以单侧腹股沟淋巴结疼痛为特征的 primary syphilis(梅毒一期)且无皮肤表现的一例报告
Kenji Yorita,Chikane Ito,Ai Fujioka et al. Kenji Yorita et al.
Syphilitic infection is usually observed in young patients, and the first stage of the disease (primary syphilis) is characterized by painless cutaneous and lymph node lesions. Herein, we describe a 71-year-old Japanese man with primary syp...
Delayed pharyngocutaneous fistula caused by molecular targeted therapy: a case report [0.03%] 分子靶向治疗引起的迟发性咽皮瘘1例报告
Mioko Matsuo,Kazuki Hashimoto,Rina Jiromaru et al. Mioko Matsuo et al.
Case 2 involved a 71-year-old japanese man who developed a delayed pharyngocutaneous fistula 2 years and 1 month after total pharyngeal laryngectomy for pharyngeal cancer.
Refractory Longitudinally Extensive Transverse Myelitis after Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccination in a Japanese Man [0.03%]
Noriyuki Miyaue,Akira Yoshida,Yuki Yamanishi et al. Noriyuki Miyaue et al.
Vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) have been developed and administered worldwide. There have been reports of neurological adverse events following immunization (AEFIs). We herein report a case of ...
Q31.02024 Case Reports Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan). 2022 Mar 1;61(5):739-742. DOI:10.2169/internalmedicine.8747-21 2022
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