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主题词1:声音质量 排序:最新发表 Clear All
Benjamin M Laitman,Jeffrey T Laitman Benjamin M Laitman
The human voice is a major signal transmission modality for our species. Accordingly, perception of its quality serves as an intraspecific window into the status of an individual's health, robusticity, and even stature in the group. Diminis...
Ravindra Ojha,Alpana Agarwal Ravindra Ojha
Purpose: The healthcare ecosystem continues to evolve with new technological developments with the support of its stakeholders. The technology-driven and patient-centric Healthcare 5.0 (H5.0) ecosystem is undergoing a tra...
Daniel Rodríguez,Marco Guzman,Pedro Brito et al. Daniel Rodríguez et al.
Purpose: This study investigated the ecological validity of conventional voice assessments by comparing the self-perceived voice quality and acoustic characteristics of voice production during these assessments to those i...
Yi Zhang,Lishan Li,Wei Lai et al. Yi Zhang et al.
This study examines whether cue integration in tone perception undergoes changes caused by disparities in language experience among two groups of multidialectal speakers from Changsha: participants in the dialect-preserving group speak Chan...
Michael F Dorman,Sarah C Natale,Nadine Buczak et al. Michael F Dorman et al.
Purpose: The aims of this exploratory study were (a) to assess common terms used to describe cochlear implant (CI) sound quality by patients fit with conventional CIs and (b) to compare those descriptors to previously obt...
Rafael Martínez-Olalla,Irene Hidalgo-De la Guía,Elena Gayarzábal-Heinze et al. Rafael Martínez-Olalla et al.
The production of phonation involves very complex processes, linked to the physical, clinical, and emotional state of the speaker. Thus, in populations with neurological diseases, it is possible to find the imprint in the voice signal left ...
Liping Zheng,Lin Lin,Qinghuang Zeng Liping Zheng
Background: Mozart's Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major (K448) is a classic double piano work. This study investigated its effect on children with epilepsy (EP) and analyzed the changes in electroencephalography (EEG) among...
Angelos Papadopoulos,Louiza Voniati,Nafsika Ziavra et al. Angelos Papadopoulos et al.
Background: This scoping review had as a primary goal a review of the literature and the an analysis of the possible effectiveness of the LSVT LOUD approach in children with voice and speech deficits. ...
Betul Cicek Cinar,Muslume Kubra Koc,Cennet O Z Baran et al. Betul Cicek Cinar et al.
Objectives: The aim was to construct validity and reliability of the Hearing Implant Sound Quality Index Questionnaire (HISQUI19) in Turkish. Methods: ...
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